March 21, 2012

Glossary of Key Terms

Glossary of Key Terms


Academic Learning time - Time when students are actually succeeding at the learning task.
Action Zone - Area of a classroom where the greatest amount of interaction takes place.
Allocated time - Time set aside for learning.
Classroom Management - Techniques used to maintain a healhty learning environment, relatively free of behavior problems.
Engaged time/ Time on task - Time spent actively engaged in the learning task at hand.
Group focus - The ability to keep as many students as possible involved in activvities.
Movement management - Keeping lessons and the group moving at an appropriate (and flexible) pace, with smooth transitions and variety.
Natural/Logicla consequences - Instead of punishing, have students redo, repair, or in some way face the consequences that naturally flow from their actions.
Overlapping - Supervising several activities at once.
Participation structures - Rules defining how to participate in different activities.
Precorrection - A way of preventing serious behavior problems of students who have been labeled at risk by directing the students toward more appropriate actions.
Procedures - Guidelines for accomplishing recurring tasks.
Rules - Statements specifying expected and forbidden behaviors; dos and don'ts.
Self-management - Management of your own behavior and acceptance of responsibility for your own actions.
Withitness - According to Kounin, awareness of everything happening in a classroom.

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